Getting Started

Shieldon requires at least PHP 7.1 to run.


Use PHP Composer:

composer require terrylinooo/shieldon

Or, download it and include the Shieldon autoloader.

require 'Shieldon/src/autoload.php';

How to Use

Here is a full example let you know how Shieldon works.

$shieldon = new \Shieldon\Shieldon();

// Use SQLite as the data driver.
$dbLocation = APPPATH . 'cache/shieldon.sqlite3';
$pdoInstance = new \PDO('sqlite:' . $dbLocation);
$shieldon->setDriver(new \Shieldon\Driver\SqliteDriver($pdoInstance));

// Set core components.
// This compoent will only allow popular search engline.
// Other bots will go into the checking process.
$shieldon->setComponent(new \Shieldon\Component\TrustedBot());

// You can ignore this setting if you only use one Shieldon on your web application. This is for multiple instances.

// Only allow 10 sessions to view current page.
// The defailt expire time is 300 seconds.

// Set a Captcha servie. For example: Google recaptcha.
$shieldon->setCaptcha(new \Shieldon\Captcha\Recaptcha([
    'key' => '6LfkOaUUAAAAAH-AlTz3hRQ25SK8kZKb2hDRSwz9',
    'secret' => '6LfkOaUUAAAAAJddZ6k-1j4hZC1rOqYZ9gLm0WQh',

// Start protecting your website!

$result = $shieldon->run();

if ($result !== $shieldon::RESPONSE_ALLOW) {
    if ($shieldon->captchaResponse()) {

        // Unban current session.
    // Output the result page with HTTP status code 200.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""